Engineering and technology services
With modern information and communications Technologies (ICT) solutions industrial and service companies can significantly increase their productivity, quality and flexibility.
The company’s performance improvement, in each dimension, is achieved through the enhancement of systems integration and the improvement of ability to process real-time data, allowing the visibility of overall value chain and supporting the decision-making processes.
We work with a network of partners and we structure projects based on a clear definition of Value Proposition, filling the customer needs and taking into account the infrastructure in order to ensure a correct financial flow and project feasibility.
In engineering and technology:
- We design and develop projects
- We manufacture and build prototypes
- We implemented and we integrate solutions
- We evaluate and manage systems
- We analyse risk and cost-benefit
- We plan and manage projects
Examples of what we do:
- Process organization
- Partners network management
- Support the selection of software and hardware
- Implementation of information systems support